Pomodoro Technique!

Muhammad Ahsan Iqbal
2 min readApr 17, 2021


Humans, I believe already discovered this technique way beyond even this name “Pomodoro” was coined (especially when it comes to studying).

However, the only difference is that the discovery of the name itself made people more conscious of it. Having said that, I myself am quite fond of taking breaks while working on something, so it won’t be something new to add to my library; nevertheless, the approach and the word itself is a potential addition.

At least, I can now give an excuse to someone if they ask “Ahsan, can you please do this job for me?”; my swift reply “Oh Well, I am using Pomodoro technique these days, and I am on a break right now”. The name itself would be enough to impart an impression “Hmm, seems like a tough job; carry on with it!”. They won’t bother to ask again. :)

Apparently, this technique was quite easy for me, because I am used to it as mentioned above. However, I was not used to getting breaks exactly at 25 minutes; it sometimes would go beyond that. Therefore, “Pomodoro” has refined my approach of going about managing my work.

So, I worked on campaign poster, blog, online courses and took regular breaks as stipulated. Though, I had minor distractions — calls & family interventions— while applying this technique, but it did not affect my work extensively.

Campaign Poster

Moreover, it has also made me more productive, because I used to take long breaks and sometimes, my breaks would turn out to be NEVER ending. Now, this technique has made me more mindful of breaks, given me ample time to refresh my senses and also finish my tasks within the expected time limits.

In a nutshell, I am looking forward to incorporate this technique into my regular regime regardless if it is my academic or personal affair. Additionally, it has strategically rectified my approach towards work making it more efficient; hence, I would be a strong advocate of this technique among my peers/fellows/family.

Not only that, I will also try experimenting it further by adding my bits to it. For instance, if I have a huge task and there is less time, then I would convert these 4 sessions into 8 or more and create a plan to check how much time it would take to complete everything including all breaks.



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