Amal Totkay!
Totkay refers to the tips & tricks that one can inherit or create through sheer experience. Fortunately, South Asians are very much accustomed towards finding jugaads/totkay for every condition. The difference between jugaad & totkay is that the former is an ingenious easy-way solution to a certain problem and the latter are the conceptual takeaways that we derive out of a jugaad as a source of possibility in future.
I can still recall somewhere in my subconcious mind; zubaida aapa ke totkay! :) May Allah (swt) bless her and elevate her ranks in Jannah!
Similarly, Amal has enlightened us with some mind-boggling totkays which perhaps we can possibly incorporate in our daily lives to bring about positive change.
These are the five Amal Totkays:
Now, these totkays are self-explanatory of themselves and do not require any further elaboration. However, Amal took it upon themselves to explicitly describe each totka and I must say it is worth reading!
With that mentioned, I will try to reflect very briefly on all totkays. Firstly, self-talk is necessary for self-motivation; it creates a placebo effect towards boosting your self-esteem and ultimately does it. Secondly, needless to mention, moving out of your comfort zone is the only approach towards gaining access to new knowledge. Thirdly, bringing change in your life can ameliorate the process of learning and it can only be possible by bringing new habits on board. Fourthly, learn to accommodate constructive feedback into your learning regime; it is a metric towards knowing the worth of your efforts. Last but not the least, be whatever you aspire to be (even if you have to fake it) and eventually you will become the best version of what you once only thought of.
So, if I have to pick one from all of these; it would be unfair given that every totka is worth going for, but for the sack of answering, I would say moving out of your comfort zone would be the one. Recently, I have been trying my best to actually practice this totka. For instance, while staying occupied in my affairs, I was not bothering myself to attend Alumni workshops conducted by my university; however, recently, I provoked myself to actually make room to attend such workshops and I engaged thoroughly with the instructor there. Certainly, it gave me a very soothing feeling and boosted me towards attending more!
Therefore, it is imperative to start delivering from today to implement all these magical totkas. And, it can be only possible by probing into the areas that you feel need improvement and exploring opportunities that gives you an access towards knowledge. I believe we are already sailing with Amal in our search for knowledge and hope we can dig out more channels!